Emotion-centred therapy empowering you to heal, create better relationships and thrive.

Psychotherapy. Counselling. Wellbeing.

North Beach, Western Australia, & online.

A compassionate, transformative approach to healing and wellbeing, grounded in modern science.


Painful events and transitions can make us feel like the ground has been pulled out from under us. Moving forwards can feel daunting. Self-doubt can creep in – and sometimes storms in. We can feel stuck, overwhelmed and fearful.

It takes courage to reach out to find a supportive therapist who can help you recover (or uncover) your self-trust and confidence. I am committed to creating a collaborative space that honours your uniqueness. I will bring me – my presence, compassion, experience and perspective – and I invite you to bring you – all of you, wherever you are at. Together, we will meet your challenges, finding a way forward that reflects who you truly are and what you want from your life. 

Hi, I’m Tristan Stein

Psychotherapist & Registered Clinical Counsellor


I see your pain and I see your wholeness.

The world we meet can be traumatising. To get through, we build an emotional armour around our heart, cutting off from our true feelings and turning on ourselves, believing we are not good enough.

Our true self remains hidden beneath layers of pain, fear, shame and “protective’’ emotional armour. Often, we think that is who we are.

I know the pain of feeling not good enough and of being disconnected from my heart. I know how scary it is to risk feeling what has been buried and denied.

I also know how empowering it is to let go of the protective armour and false beliefs.

Learning to trust my true feelings and reconnecting with my authenticity and intuition has freed me to live and love (myself and others) more deeply and fully.

I’d love for you to reconnect with your most authentic self too.

“When we stop distancing ourselves from the pain in the world, our own or others, we create the possibility of a new experience, one that often surprises because of how much joy, connection, or relief it yields.”

Mark Epstein

Kind Words

“Tristan embodies the natural healing qualities that the most gifted therapists possess - kindness, wisdom, and courage. But, what makes her stand out as someone I would want to work with is her strong drive to learn and bring the latest state-of-the art therapy approaches into her work. I am thrilled to see her becoming the therapist she was meant to be and recommend her highly.”

Marc Cecil, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist/Psychotherapy Consultant and Supervisor

You learned to wear an armour around your heart to protect it, to survive …

Perhaps you learned that it is safer to shut down or to hide, and you are afraid you cannot be real and loved. Perhaps you learned that your feelings were not okay, and you are scared that your feelings are too much, will overwhelm you, or make you dangerous.

That armour may offer you an illusion of safety, but it is typically fragile and brittle (you may notice you act defensively or that you often feel rejected and victimised).

That armour is keeping you separated from your true self and wisdom.

What if you are now safe to start setting the armour aside? What if you are now safe to start being authentically you, real and loveable?

 You don’t have to do it alone. If you are ready to connect more deeply to yourself, to others and to your purpose, I will support you.

Connect – to yourself, to others and to what lights you up

Feel – recover your inner compass and authentic self

Heal – from past hurts & create lasting change

Thrive – value yourself for who you really are

“What you seek is seeking you.”
– Rumi